Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry is a term used to describe using a dental technique to improve the appearance of your smile. This covers a wide range of procedures;

1) Tooth Whitening

2) Cosmetic bonding:

 The addition of bonding (white filling material) to change the size/shape/colour of teeth or to close spaces between teeth. This can often be done without cutting the underlying tooth structure.

3) Porcelain veneers:

The use of thin pieces of porcelain bonded to the surface of teeth to change their size/shape/colour.

4) Porcelain crowns

5) Periodontal reshaping of the gums
a. Gum re-contouring of over-grown gingiva
b. Fixing a “gummy” smile

6) Laser removal of marks on the lips

7) Dental Implants

…And many others….

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Before After

Laser Varix Ablation

Before After

Porcelain Veneers

Before After

Cosmetic Bonding

Before After

Dental Implant